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Article: Vaginal Care & Feminine Hygiene Tips for Girls

Natural Remedies for Vaginal Odor

Vaginal Care & Feminine Hygiene Tips for Girls

Promoting vaginal care and personal hygiene is vital to overall well-being.  This conversation does not have to be awkward or uncomfortable and can be very educational when you cover all of these different vaginal hygiene tips for pre-teen and teenage girls. The discussion of vaginal hygiene is often stigmatized and speaking with your teen freely about their intimate area and good personal hygiene will create a great foundation of open communication. In this article we will address feminine hygiene tips for teenage girls and the importance of vaginal care.

What is Vaginal Care?

Maintaining overall vaginal care is not a difficult task to do, but for many teenage girls, there is miscommunication and misunderstanding. During puberty, as teenage girls develop into young women, their vaginas begin to change with the rest of their bodies. They will start to notice things like vaginal and body odor that will have them asking questions like "is vaginal odor normal?". 

Personal Care For A Teenage Girl

he biggest concern that most teenage girls have with their vagina is related to body odor. Knowing what causes vaginal odor, how to understand odors, and address vaginal hygiene is critical for teenagers. Most odors in the vagina are minor and can be affected by things such as:

  • Menstruation/Period
  • Exercise
  • Sexual Intercourse
  • Tight pants

When it comes to cleanliness and feminine hygiene, you should teach your teen that pH-balanced products such as pH-D's best feminine wash for odor can help assist with keeping the external vaginal area (vulva) clean. Anything with perfumes and alcohol in the ingredients such as regular soaps or shower gel can cause discomfort and alter vaginal pH balance. It is important to wash the outer parts when they shower to remove excess sweat from the area like you would any other part of your body. Maintaining the area around the vagina is an essential part of proper feminine hygiene for teenage girls. 

How To Address Vaginal Odor

While the vagina is not odorless and every woman has their own individual scent, sometimes the odor can shift and become unpleasant. Initially, it is necessary to determine what is causing the odor. If the teenager is not engaging in proper hygiene, then a layer of odor could be building up and lead to an accumulation of bacteria. When too much bacteria accumulates in the vagina, this can potentially lead to bacterial vaginosis.

If your teen is experiencing vaginal odor, it's best to talk to a health care provider first.  He or she may suggest a holistic option such as using a Holistic Body Fresh Spray or a feminine wash that is pH-balanced to match the pH of the vulva. This will neutralize vaginal odor instead of covering it up like other feminine products.

Additionally, all women should minimize the use of tight clothing around the vagina. Spandex and lace will retain heat in this already wet area. White cotton underwear with no dye is your best option for underwear. For maintaining proper menstrual hygiene, using a cloth pad or wipes, throughout the day can help to maintain smell and any vaginal discharge. Exercise and proper weight maintenance is also a good way to care for your vagina. If your overall body weight is healthy, then added pressure onto the vagina from the pelvic wall will be eliminated, allowing the vagina to properly function.


Strong perfumes and scented soaps should be avoided for vaginal care.

  • All vaginas will have an individual scent.
  • There are holistic options for vaginal care.
  • Teaching your teen about vaginal odor and vaginal care removes stigmatization and embarrassment. 

Are you looking for holistic products for vaginal care? We offer various vaginal care products from boric acid suppositories, foam wash, body sprays, feminine wipes, travel size products, women’s health probiotics for vaginal health, menstruation supplements to reduce discomfort and many more. Give us a call at pH-D today about any questions you may have or visit our online store. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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